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Launch Day

13 Nov, 2013 · By Olga Plotnikova

We launched our Kale Chips on Sunday, November 10, 2013 at World Vegan Day in Melbourne. It was pretty insane. Here's what my eyes saw at around 12pm on that day: 

But let's start at the beginning. 

Horrifying Morning

First of all, we overslept. We were preparing for our launch for the past two weeks, woke up at 7:30 am in horror, — we were supposed to be at Melbourne Showgrounds, setting everything up by 7 am. 

Thankfully, we purchased some cold pressed coffee from our friends at First Press Coffee the day before, so we were up and running in no time. 

We prepared around 400 packs of Kale Chips for selling, and three big containers with loose chips for tasting.

Today we will be launching three flavors: 


Everything is properly labeled, tested and designed in a way I am personally proud of (there will be a separate blog post about our package design). 

Alex is testing one of the label attaching techniques.

Surprisingly, Kale Chips have very long shelf life — 6 months (it should be even more than that, but we wanted to be on a safe side, so we added some paddings).


My office which I am using for my other business is completely destroyed



Time to get going: 



We arrived at the venue 1.5 hours later then we were supposed to. However, people were still setting up:


We carefully planned everything a few days before, and had a very precise and comprehensive blueprint of how everything should be set up. So it should take us no time:


Olga is attaching Kale Chips banner: 


We also set up a gigantic B0 banner on the back wall, added some photos of our commercial kitchen and Kale Chips preparation process, put our product on the table, prepared tasting plates, changed to our "uniform", prepared cashbox and a bunch of other things:


And Then it Began

It was a bit like zombie invasion. They were coming and coming and coming and they were hungry. And they ate absolutely everything and they bought absolutely everything and they came back for more. 

Brains!!!  Kale Chips!!! 


A crowd would come, they would try out the chips. Then they'd savor for a moment, looking a bit uncertain: 


And then, a big smile and a hand with some cash:
— I'll have one of each please.
— Great choice! Enjoy it!
— I most certainly will!


Our first sale ever. It was so strange to be on the opposite side of the transaction!



Sold out by 2:30 pm

 It took us two weeks to produce 5 hours worth of Kale Chips. We were completely sold out by 2:30 pm (and the event was supposed to last until 5).

We couldn't believe our eyes. We loved our kale chips, but we felt very emotional when we found out that other people fell in love too. 

We are so grateful to you guys. Thanks for your support and thanks for being our first customers.

We left a few bags we had left on the table, and went out to check out other exhibitors. When we came back all chips were gone and there was money waiting on the table. Not only we were able to sell our Kale Chips that day. They sold themselves without us even being there. It was completely surreal. 


Sadly, we forgot to leave the note that our chips can be reordered online. In case you missed us at the event, you can order online at, we just shipped our first three orders and are prepared to take many more.

We just lowered our shipping rate from 10 to 8 dollars to make it a bit easier.

And just in case it didn't come across: our chips are nice and crunchy. Light, but full flavored. Raw and consequently vegan. And organic, australian grown and australian made. It's like eating fresh kale, with the only difference that our chips are tasty.

Whew. What a day...